Actress Anna Silk. Photo Credit: Matt Sayles.

Actress Anna Silk. Photo Credit: Matt Sayles.

GALO: As you said, Bo is a succubus and she has loved a lot of people. How do you feel about the tension between the fans shipping the various relationships on the show — Doccubus vs. Valkubus, for example?

AS: I love it. I love that the Lost Girl fan base is incredibly vocal. And people should have strong opinions. The fact that she does have different liaisons should create a bit of a divide. I think that’s really great. Some fans are probably more vocal than others. I feel like there’s lot of — obviously — Doccubus fans, and now there’s a lot of Valkubus fans. Some of the wolf fans — still there.

I think it’s great. I like that people are blogging. They should. It should polarize people a bit.

GALO: The show has definitely changed a lot over the last five seasons, evolving from this supernatural procedural into more of a long-term narrative that’s exploring Bo’s background, her father, her family ties. What do you think of that progression and this season’s exploration into Greek mythology?

AS: In the beginning, Lost Girl was more of a procedural. We had a monster of the week and a case of the week. I feel like the show evolved very naturally. I feel like that’s how Kenzi and Bo got together as friends and then, ultimately, as kind of sisters. Solving cases is what introduced Bo to the Fae world, and what introduced the audience to the Fae world as well. So we started with that procedural element, which was great, but I feel like to really tell the story, and who these characters were, we had to get into a more serialized show, and I’m glad we did.

To me, it’s more interesting to play, especially in that realm because we just have more leeway, and more characters can be showcased. So I feel like, ultimately, in season five, we really get to know everybody in a new way, and we get to relate to each other in a new way. I like that. And going with the Greek mythology, I thought it was really interesting. Amanda Walsh, who came onto the show, as well as Noah Jenkins, Shanice Banton, Luke Bilyk and Eric Roberts — they were wonderful. It was just a really smart way to get new bad guys in town.

GALO: So we finally get to see Bo’s father [played by Eric Roberts] in the mid-season finale. Are we going to have to wait much longer for that confrontation between Bo and her dad? That’s definitely going to be an emotionally charged meet because there’s been so much build-up. Do you think fans will be satisfied?

AS: I think so, yeah. What’s really interesting about the way the relationship with her father unfolds is that it might not be as predictable as people anticipated. It wasn’t as predictable as I anticipated. Honest. This sort of showdown between them, or battle between them, that’s building has a lot of repercussions for Bo. So, it’s personal. It’s really personal. And that’s what was so interesting to play was that it’s not just “here’s another bad guy.” This is extremely personal for her. And it has huge repercussions for her family and her friends, which are basically her family as well. So it takes it to a whole new level.

GALO: In a recent interview, you said you couldn’t have been happier when you read the finale. How do you predict fans will react? Will they be pleased with the ending?

AS: I think so. Every time I read a new episode, I would sit quietly, make sure I had no noise around me and read the new episode because I was going to be telling that story, and be part of telling that story. So when I got the final episode, it took me — I think I got it on a Tuesday, and I was like, “I’m not reading it until this weekend. I just can’t right now.” It’s kind of like reading the greatest book you’ve ever read and you’re on the last chapter. Whenever I read a great book and I’m on the last chapter, my heart starts beating, I get too many — I really anticipate the end. So, I sat down very calmly and just started reading. And before I knew it, I was at the end. And I was very captivated by my own show, by my own set of circumstances. Our writers and producers are all very open to us giving notes and thoughts, especially about our own characters and about the story. And I had so few things to say because I was so fully satisfied with how our story ends. So that’s the best way that I can describe how I felt about the finale.

In terms of how the fans will feel, there are so many great characters on Lost Girl and Bo has been at the center of it; it’s really been Bo’s journey, and everyone she’s met along the way has enriched her life so much. So, I feel like, as Bo, I’m a little bit like our fan base. I’m a little bit like the audience — affected by this world and affected by its characters. So, I hope that the journey I experienced is the same one the fans will experience. Now, not everyone’s going to be thrilled — I’m sure. But every fan will be touched, moved — in some way. So, that’s what I’m hoping for. I like to dream real big and hope for the best. But I also really do believe that that’s true.

GALO: You also mentioned in a past interview that the necklace Lauren gave to Bo in season four is “very special.” Can you say anything more about that? Is that “gift” — as in the gift Bo’s father referenced — going to play a significant role in the second half of the season?

AS: Well, gosh. I don’t think I can really say. But Lauren is such a special person to Bo. Their relationship goes beyond the necklace, really. But it was a significant gift, for sure. It was more of a symbol. It was a symbol of so many things, actually. It was a symbol of love; it was a symbol of forgiveness; a symbol of connection. So I feel like that gift given to Bo from Lauren is always going to be part of their relationship.

GALO: So what’s next for you after Lost Girl? Have you signed onto any projects?

AS: I have not signed onto anything, no. I’ve taken a little bit of a break. I’m reading a lot of interesting scripts and really just kind of thinking about what the next great fit will be. Bo came to me at a time when — you want a great role like that. You want something that just feels so right. And having now led a show like that for five seasons, I know how important it is to really love what you’re doing because it is all-consuming. Every single ounce of your being goes into that show and the job part of being on the show. It’s a challenging job in the best possible way, but you better love it and you better really love the character. So I want to be directed and think of what that next great fit is going to be for me. And right now, I’m really enjoying time with my son.

GALO: Is there anything else you’d like to add?

AS: I think because it’s the last season, I feel like, if I can add something, it’s just a tremendous thank you to the fans. Because I really do feel like our show was the little engine that could in the beginning. We didn’t know where our show was going to land and it kind of landed on the Internet, which meant that it kind of grew globally so quickly and there was this huge fan reaction. I get the nicest fan letters and I get the nicest messages on Twitter. I don’t answer every message on Twitter, obviously. But people should know that I do read them and appreciate them. And I appreciate how much they’ve embraced Lost Girl, Bo and me. So I just feel thankful, grateful to have met a lot of them, and I hope that we all meet again somehow.

Are you sad to see the show go? Who (or what) will you miss the most? Leave us your thoughts and comments below. “Lost Girl” returns this fall with its final eight episodes.