Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, Janet Alexander is a freelance writer and video editor currently living in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Before graduating from Pitzer College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Media Studies, Janet received both the Moving Picture Institute and the Institute of Humane Studies Fellowship awards in promoting the ideals of liberty through media broadcast and journalism. She's put her passion for documentary video into practice at CBS, FOX, MTV, and the Wall Street Journal, while also applying a penchant from interviewing to writing for VIP Magazine, The Claremont Independent, and Unigo.com. Besides contributing to GALO Magazine, Janet writes and edits video for Resource Magazine and Impose Magazine, respectively. She hopes to be able to continue having fun for a living, and eventually write a book, or two. Janet manages to cope with her creative impulses, considering life itself as compulsive viewing, through her own narrative non-fiction blog. Check out some of her writing here: https://janetalexander.contently.com/