‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6, Episode 8 Recap: No One
So it turns out that a girl was someone after all: Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) of Winterfell. -
‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6, Episode 5 Recap: The Door
Hodor -- the name and the character have new meaning after the devastating climax at the end of this week’s episode. -
‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6, Episode 4 Recap: The Book of the Stranger
Oddly, this episode opens with Jon Snow (Kit Harington) packing to leave Castle Black, even though last episode we saw him leaving the Night’s Watch in a dramatic exit. It seems producers thought twice about letting... -
‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6, Episode 3 Recap: Oathbreaker
This episode picks up right where it left off -- at Jon Snow’s (Kit Harington) awakening -- with producers deciding not to tease the audience after a year (and two new episodes) of waiting. It actually answers several... -
‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6, Episode 2 Recap: ‘Home’
Theon "Reek" Greyjoy (Alfie Allen) bailed. Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) caught a break. Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage) freed some dragons. Balon Greyjoy (Patrick Malahide) tumbled off a bridge. Bran Stark (Isaac... -
‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6, Episode 1 Recap: ‘The Red Woman’
“Your son is weak, and weak men will never rule Dorne again.” Ellaria Sand’s (Indira Varma) lingering words aptly summarize the theme of this episode, and perhaps this season so far. -
‘Game of Thrones’ Season 5, Episode 8 Recap: ‘Hardhome’
“Why should the people trust a queen who can’t keep her promises?” -- Daenerys Targaryen. At the show’s start, Queen Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) reminds Ser Jorah (Iain Glen) of her promise to kill him should he... -
‘Game of Thrones’ Season 5, Episode 7 Recap: ‘The Gift’
“All rulers are either butchers or meat” -- Daario Naharis. Fasten your seat belts because things just shifted into high gear with the season’s strongest episode thus far. Perhaps the biggest, most gratifying... -
‘Game of Thrones’ Season 5, Episode 6 Recap: ‘Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken’
“No, a girl is not ready to become no one, but she is ready to become someone else” -- Jaqen H'ghar to Arya Stark. After a mildly unimpressive prior episode, it was entertaining to see several new and enticing... -
‘Game of Thrones’ Season 5, Episode 4 Recap: ‘Sons of the Harpy’
“There is only one war: life versus death” – Melisandre. Though in the minds of Ellaria Sand (played by Indira Varma) and the Sand Snakes, the only war that exists is the one they plan to wage to avenge Prince...
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