Author H.P. Mallory. Photo Credit: Beth Cocuzzi.

Author H.P. Mallory. Photo Credit: Beth Cocuzzi.

A once self-published author, who now walks the traditional book publishing pathway, H.P. Mallory has been climbing the bestseller charts in the urban fantasy and paranormal romance categories with her Jolie Wilkins and Peyton Clark series. Her clever and fresh-voiced books are a sure-fire choice for readers of Charlaine Harris that will leave one addicted from the first page (if you don’t believe us, take author Larissa Ione’s word for it). Self-described as a “fan of anything paranormal” (including The Twilight Zone reruns) and traveling, the whimsical and cheerful red-haired bombshell —  whose looks are slightly reminiscent of a 1950s pin-up model — recently partook in our new series, where she divulged what scares her the most, her favorite summer song, and who she thinks Shakespeare really was.

What were you doing five minutes ago, before you started this survey? Paying bills!

Care to divulge what the secretive H.P. stands for? Harriet Potter ; ).

What book(s) are you reading at present? I’m currently reading a book called Fat Chance, which is about obesity in today’s society. Pretty interesting!

What is the single hardest thing about writing? Deadlines!

What scares you the most? Writing something that my readers won’t like.

What would you never write about? Anything non-fiction.

Name your top five favorite paranormal films: Sixth Sense, any of the Harry Potter movies, Underworld, The Exorcist.

Pick one: vampires, zombies or ghosts? Ghosts because I believe they are real.

How would you like to die? When I’m really old and in my sleep, peacefully and pain free!

Imagine you could meet for coffee with anyone dead or alive. Who would it be and why? Shakespeare, so I could find out who REALLY wrote the plays/sonnets. I believe Shakespeare was really a woman. Interesting book to read on the topic: Sweet Swan of Avon.

Where do you draw inspiration from for your characters? Dreams, movies, books…

What is your favorite book from the Jolie Wilkins series? Probably a tie between Toil and Trouble and The Witch Is Back; I do enjoy Sinjin and his troublemaking!

How many books will there be in the Peyton Clark series? Probably five.

Ghouls Rush In is an evident play on “fools rush in.” Elvis Presley fan? Not so much. [Laughs] Just thought the title was funny!

Do you see yourself in any of the characters? Um, probably Jolie when I started writing, and now Peyton.

If you were stranded on an island and could only have one book with you, what would it be? Ulysses by James Joyce, because that book requires someone to be stranded on an island with nothing but time on their hands to figure out what in the world he’s talking about!

What is your dream travel destination? Prague.

Your favorite summer song? “Summertime Sadness.”

Which is better for writing: night or morning? Morning. Nighttime is for partying!

What is your favorite writing spot? My office, the only place I can write.

Describe yourself in three words: Friendly, funny, genuine.

What is your favorite quote or saying? Dolor hic tibi proderit olim in Latin. In English: Be patient and tough, someday this pain will be useful to you. I actually had Sinjin quote this in one of the Jolie books.

Your site states: “Do you believe in love after life” – do you? Um, maybe if ghosts and people could communicate better [laughs].

What format do you prefer: E-books or hardcover? Hardcover.

Name your poison: Vodka!

Chocolate or peach cobbler? Peach cobbler all the way!

What talent do you wish you could have? I wish I could play an instrument.

What do you consider your biggest failure? I haven’t really failed at anything regrettable.

If you could travel through time, which time period would you choose to visit or live in? The future! Maybe 100 years from now to see what our society is like.

Where do you see yourself in five years? Living the life on the French Riviera! ; )

For more information about H.P. Mallory or her newest novels “Sinjin” or “Ghouls Rush In,” please visit her Web site.